Clinical Research
R and Stata Analysis Code
This repository contains R code used in clinical trials research.
Adding hyaluronic acid to pudendal nerve blocks for treatment of pudendal neuralgia
Code for all analysis in the article by Kite et al 2022
Description | R Code |
S1 - Multiple imputation | Multiple imputation |
S2 - Primary analysis of BPI Severity | Primary analysis |
S3 - Secondary outcomes of BPI Severity and single scale items | Secondary analysis |
S4 - Sensitivity analysis - continuous rather than discrete time | Sensitivity - continuous time |
S5 - Sensitivity analysis - stratified by duration of pain symptoms at baseline | Sensitivity - subgroup by duration |
S6 - Sensitivity analysis - stratified by age group | Sensitivity - subgroup by age |
S7 - Sensitivity analysis - per protocol | Sensitivity - per protocol |
S8 - Sensitivity analysis - different missing data methods | Sensitivity - missing data |
S9 - Testing for no differential carryover effects between groups | Assumption tests |